Sunday, May 1, 2011

Strawberry cake experiment

I love strawberries! Here in Oregon, strawberries are so sweet but we can't get them till June/Julyish. So I end up buying them from the store and they come from California....I think. Anyways, seems like no matter how hard I look to find the prettiest, ripest berries, they are always soggy. Seriously I stand in front of them for like 5 mins trying to decide which ones I want. Which is why I can't wait for mine! I've been growing them in my windowsill( because my dog hates me and dug up my garden. No joke. I don't think she understands English) for about a month now. I think I may get only 6 berries or so but I really don't care! It just feels good to grow something!So, in an effort to use them before the mold I decided to make strawberry cake!
Heres what I started with-a box of strawberry cake mix. Nothing fancy here.
(I'm pretty sure that this box has never seen a real strawberry....ever.)

Then I chopped 4 or 5 strawberries. I cut them fairly small. And then added them to the mix. ( Loving my mixer!)
Then bake as directed! The fresh strawberries made the cake very moist and gave it a naturally sweet taste. Good cake. Now I just need to work on my decorating skills...

Have fun and be crafty!


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